Rotkreuz, Switzerland – March 2nd, 2023
We would like to say ‘thank you’ to all the incredible people who supported the organization of our ‘Going beyond crypto – how blockchain security will boost your business’ conference in Rotkreuz on 2nd March:
Co-organizers and partners
Polish Blockchain Association
Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce
FinTech Connector
RumbleFish Software Development
HSLU Lucerne
and, of course, all invited guests, speakers, and participants. It was an honor and pleasure to meet all of you! It was a fantastic and informative event – we heard vivid panel discussions; we saw inspiring presentations that proved and showed that blockchain is much more than crypto, and that is not speculation or seasonal hype. It is essential to remember it, especially now, in times very challenging for this technology.
SPBA team shortly before the conference (from left to right): VP Kasia Pieniądz, President Dr. Katharina Lasota Heller, Ian Simpson, Board Member and moderator of the whole event.
Still, there is a need to increase blockchain literacy, and more blockchain-related issues and opportunities should be addressed. We will definitely be talking about them during the next Swiss-Polish Blockchain Association event that will take place in Poland in the second half of this year. Feel invited and stay tuned! Photos from the ‘Going beyond crypto – how blockchain security will boost your business’ conference are available here.